Quality Control

Depending on the client's specifications, our Quality Control Department proceeds in all cases to the preparation of the plan of inspection points which makes then the Quality Control Plan for each contract for approval prior to the start of work

PREMONOR S.A. has procedures in place for the usual work of the mechanical Assembly. Welding procedures are all certified according to ASME code, and welders repeated approval when they have no soldier under that procedure in the past 6 months.

A Quality Dossier that includes all supplies and testing certificates is delivered with the provisional acceptance of the works.

Its working procedures are certified by an independent entity according to ISO 9001:2015 standards.

Central and Workshops

C./ Parroquia de Guísamo Parcela A-1, Nave 1,
Polígono de Bergondo, 15165 Bergondo - A Coruña
Tlf.: 981 65 03 37 / fax: 981 65 08 29
[email protected]

Commercial contact

[email protected]
European Union
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